Tuesday, September 30, 2014

5 Things I Do to "Slow It Down"

I was born and hit the ground running.  I don't think I stopped or even looked back until my 30's.  My parents had no idea what to do with me.  I was on the move!  I became reckless and unmanageable at school and wouldn't stop to ponder much, except for music and learning to play the guitar.  I was obsessed and stayed in my room until my fingers bled practicing and trying to learn the Ian and Sylvia song "Four Strong Winds" (look them up).  I used to get out of doing the dishes because my calluses would get soft from the water and then I couldn't practice more after dinner.  Sorry Sis.

This was my course for a long time.  Read the directions?  Hah!  I can figure it out.  Listen to instruction?  I'm too busy pounding out a rhythm in my head, or on my lap.  Of course, many things became screwed up or missing or just not getting done.  SO, after cleaning up my act a bit in the 1990s there were a few things I learned to do to slow myself down.  Even to this day, when I read a voice over script I have a tendency to speed through and use speed as an emotion.  It's a trap and I have learned to, for the most part; not let it slam shut.

Here are some things I have learned to do over the years to just slow down and take my time.
  1. Do The Dishes I don't know about you but my brain can become too full of content, emotion, and thoughts of anything but what's in front of me.  There are always dishes to be done or a bathroom to clean or a bed to be made.  This is all meditative for me and helps me become centered and "right here, right now"  It's a relief.
  2. Take the Next Step  When I am not motivated or am just staring at content on the web or blaring music, I am usually avoiding doing something I need to do.  I turn everything off, all distractions and either plan or do the next indicated "thing" in my day.  By indicated I mean check a to do list or look at my schedule or even intuitively know what that step is. Then, I am on my way!
  3. Back Away From the TV With Your Hands In the Air!  I had a habit of getting up and turning on the morning news show while I had my coffee and fed the animals.  I began to get revved up and overloaded by some of the hype and angry about the ridiculousness of stories considered news.  Now, don't send me angry letters about not knowing my current events, I am as informed as I want to be by other means.  I have just started sitting and listening to the quiet in the morning.  Sometimes I meditate, sometimes I don't.  Then, I can think about my day and what adventure I'll be on.  The lack of noise is centering and I feel a lot more connected to the world when I don't turn on the TV.
  4. Follow Direction Somehow down the line, I thought I was the authority on everyone else's creativity.  What a joke.  The copywriter wrote the copy after someone came up with the concept, it was approved and then had many meetings about the branding and the this and the that before a casting was ever sent out.  They know what they want.  Why can't I just give to to them?  I slow down, read the direction and if someone is directing me I listen and do what they want.  My "ideas" of what your campaign should say or do are not relevant.  However, my creativity and good fundamentals are what got me here so what comes naturally should do the trick.  I guess what I'm saying is, be of service.
  5. Remember  I think remembering to be of service, to look at the whole picture, what the direction says, that I know what I'm doing, that I can be of service anywhere and reading this script is just as good as any, helps me set the right pace.  Things get done.  The words are read without the mega speed-metal force that sometimes pounds in my head and everyone is satisfied.  Whew. I slowed it down. 
As a director, I have had a lot of pressure during the day.  Busy, busy, busy.  Things get stacked up and I want the next actor to be ready and get things in one take and not need me to help them.  Isn't that why I'm there?  I need to slow myself down then too and just let the day unfold as it should be.  Let's face it folks...I think you get the gist...I needa slow my ass down!

 Call me for a free 15 minute consultation!

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