Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Things to Do Before/After You Make Your V.O. Demo

I got a call yesterday for a consultation from someone who who is a musician, not a voice actor.  He said he wanted to make "extra money" and thought voice over would be a good idea.  He also didn't have much money.  Could I help him?  In case you don't know, I offer a free 15 minutes consultation on my website.  So we talked.   I explained these 5 things you need to do before and after you do your demo

  1. Take classes first.  I don't care if it's a three hour seminar, you need to know SOMETHING about voice over.  If you don't continue your V.O. education, you are doing yourself a disservice.  You need to be ready to work when you make your demo.  I have seen too many people make their demo too soon, stop learning and seeking and never get an agent or work.
  2. Make sure you know your strengths and weaknesses.  Find what you know is true for you.  Find what you're the best at.  Then, showcase your voice right there!  Agents and producers want to know how they can make money with you so show them your best stuff.   Don't spread yourself too thin and put pieces on your demo that don't show where you can work.  Doing what you do best is enough.  If you are extremely versatile that's fantastic!  If you're not…yet that is….don't try it on your first demo.  Prepare to take over the world!
  3. Spend The Money.  Yes, making a demo can expensive.  Yes, you should shop around but understand that quality is important.  If your demo is done by a professional, it will sound that way!  If your friend has a microphone in his apartment, no directing experience or editing and producing experience that's what it will sound like.  You have a lot of options at your finger tips. Listen to as many demos as you can on and ask your friends with demos about their experiences and their connections.  Ask for examples before your hire someone. Do your research and you'll get a kickass demo!
  4. Get Your Marketing On.  In this day and age you need to be a marketing whiz.  Twitter, Instagram, Linked In and yes…even Facebook are important marketing tools for an actor.  I recommend taking a course in Twitter.  Yes!  A course in how to use twitter to your advantage.  There are a lot of webinar's out there.  I recommend Madalyn Sklar's "Work Smarter, Not Harder" Webinar. She is a music mogul but teaches anyone how to work "The Twitter"  Here is a link to a free download  Have a website!  There are plenty of free website templates out there:  Here's a list -  This is where your demo, your bio and yes…your pro headshot goes.  BLOG!  You have things to tell people, not only about yourself but things that will help them succeed.  Share your life, your experiences, your successes!  Here's a list of free templates:
  5. Create Your Own Opportunities Voice over web series, Voice over Podcast, Voice Over Blog Talk Radio.  Get out there and create something!  Now that your demo is finished, start getting some attention and keep your creative mind going.  There is never a time to just sit back and wait.  Look for new things to talk about, make friends with other V.O. actors, have a posse!  You have a lot to offer now….keep your creativity alive!
Next week, I'll share my experience at the agency level and how to approach an agency for representation.  


Lauren Adams' Voice Over Productions 

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